2nd International Workshop on the Strengthening Families Program

Contenido en el idioma por defecto

“Present and future challenges of SFP interventions around the world”


20th November 2018

University of the Balearic Islands, Majorca (Spain)

Lecture Room: Aula Magna. Faculty of Education. Guillem Cifre de Colonya Building

Campus Universitat Illes Balears. Cra. de Valldemossa, km 7.5. Palma (Illes Balears)


The different SFP interventions around the world face similar challenges: cultural adaptation and fidelity, instruments of evaluation, validation of international adaptations, follow-up analysis, gender issues, incorporation of technologies in the implementation…

This one-day workshop aims at aligning the concerns of SFP researchers and implementers around these subjects. In special, one of the main aims is to reach a “gold standard” of evaluation and to discuss the best instruments for it. Guest speakers: Karol Kumpfer (Emeritus Prof. University of Utah, USA), John Toumbourou (Professor Deakin University, Australia) and Jorge Negreiros (Professor University of Porto, Portugal).

*Free assistance. It is necessary to register before October 31th.

**The main language of the activity is English with a small speaking session in Spanish.


Workshop PROGRAM

9.30h Workshop Welcome. Carmen Orte (General Director of IMSERSO, Institute for the Elder and Social Service, Government of Spain).

9.45h-10.30h Cultural adaptation of the Strengthening Families Program (Karol Kumpfer, Emeritus Professor from University of Utah) (video presentation). Presenter: Joan Amer (University of the Balearic Islands).

10.30h-11.30h Experience of SFP in Australia. Strengths and Limitations. (John Toumbourou, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia). Presenter: Carmen Orte (General Director of IMSERSO, Institute for the Elder and Social Service, Government of Spain).

11.30h-12.30h Family participation and retention (Jorge Negreiros, University of Porto). Presenter: María Valero (University of the Balearic Islands).

12.30-13.30h Lunch.

13.30h-15h International scope. Difficulties and recommendations for practice. Session 1:

  • SFP in Spain (Lluís Ballester and Joan Amer, University of the Balearic Islands).
  • SFP Ireland (Marie Lawless, Ballymun Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force)(video presentation).
  • SFP Slovenia (Sanela Talic, UTRIP).


Presenter: Belén Pascual (University of the Balearic Islands)


15.15h-16.45h International scope. Difficulties and recommendations for practice. Session 2:

  • SFP10-14 in Wales (SFP Cymru, Jeremy Segrott, University of Cardiff)
  • SFP 12-16 in France (Ulrich Vandoorne, Csapa Kairn71 – Sauvegarde71 / Fédération Addiction)
  • SFP in Brazil (Larissa Nobre-Sandoval, Grupo de Estudos em Prevençao, University of Brasilia)


Presenter: Victòria Quesada (University of the Balearic Islands)

16.45-17h Coffee-break.

17h-18.30h Experiences of SFP implementers and practitioners around the world. Open debate session. Exchanges among professionals. Two parallel sessions:

  • Session A: English-speaking session. SFP implementation and quality around the world (United States, Australia, Brazil, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Slovenia). Lessons learned and tips for practice. Participants: implementers and facilitators. Chair person: Nuno Matias Ferreira (Direção-Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais, Açores, Portugal). Lecture room: Aula Magna.
  • Session B: Spanish-speaking session. La implementación del SFP y calidad en España. Los casos de Galicia (Igaxes), Castilla y León (Junta de Castilla y León), Illes Balears (Universitat de les Illes Balears, Projecte Home, Jovent y CEIP Binissalem). Recomendaciones y buenas prácticas. Moderadora: Marga Vives (Universitat de les Illes Balears). Lecture room: A12.


18.30h-19h Conclusions. Nuno Matias Ferreira (Direção-Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais, Açores, Portugal) and Maria Antònia Gomila (University of the Balearic Islands).

19-19.30h Presentation of workshop book “Intervenciones efectives en prevención familiar de drogas” (Ed.Octaedro). Presenters: Rafa Gallego (journalist), Carmen Orte (co-editor of the book), John Toumborou (co-author of the book) and Jorge Negreiros (co-author of the book).

SFP logotypeThis event is funded by the European Union (Feder Funds) and the Balearic Government (Vice-presidency and Innovation, Research and Tourism Department)

logo financiacion







Correo electrónico*:

Experiencia/Relación con SFP (opcional):

Experiencias de implementadores de SFP en todo el mundo. Intercambios entre profesionales Dos sesiones paralelas (elija una) *:

A: Sesión en inglés. SFP implementation and quality. Lessons learned and tips for practice.

B: Sesión en español. La implementación del SFP y calidad. Recomendaciones y buenas prácticas.

*Campo obligatorio


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